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Monday, 26 September 2016

Hi Leong click here for research project proposal

To investigate the relationship of built environment and performance of ADHD kids; an integrated ADHD centre that provides learning and treatment simultaneously.
Keywords: ADHD, accommodate, built environment, classroom design, learning, treatment, simultaneously, Malaysia

1.      Introduction

1.1.    Introduction
1.1.1.  To further study the functions of special class room design, resource rooms or any special activities run in regular schools and how they are utilized to meet special educational needs of individual children.
1.1.2.  How to integrated learning environment/ restrictive environment to cater
1.1.3.  ADHD kids symptoms & needs

1.2.    Problem Statement
1.2.1.  Kids with special needs are constantly being overlooked/ neglected, and segregated from mainstream schools.
1.2.2.  Limited /incomplete facilities to carry out treatment in schools
1.2.3.  ADHD kids have no choice but to study in general school due to insufficient facilities

1.3.    Objective of Study
1.3.1.  To Unify/ integrate facilities for ADHD kids
1.3.2.  Provide a least restrictive environment
1.3.3.  Provide better learning environment
1.3.4.  Better understanding when designing for ADHD kids with special needs with appropriate teaching and learning facilities both physical and mentally
Tasputra was the first place in Malaysia to install and actively use this Dutch-origin method of therapy. It is designed to stimulate the five senses - sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It uses a unique combination of peaceful music, special lighting, gentle vibration, tactile sensation and aromatherapy in a safe, secure atmosphere. Each child has its own specially designed programme.

1.4.    Scope of Study
1.4.1.  existing built environment for ADHD kids
1.4.2.  existing interior design for ADHD kids
1.4.3.  To prove ADHD kids perform better in a special designed environment

1.5.    Methodology of Study
1.5.1.  Visit and analyse existing ADHD centre
1.5.2.Interview with ADHD specialist

2.      Literature Review

2.1.    Definition of ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder described as someone who has difficulty to pay attention and easily distracted, one of the key symptom of ADHD. Along with being hyperactive, difficulty to stay focus on a task and fidgeting. Besides that, ADHD tend to be impulsive, thus unable to control and mostly unware of his or her behaviour.
2.1.1.  Fear of intense noises
2.1.2.  Insensitivity to pain
2.1.3.  Repetitive behaviours (Hand flapping, rocking and head banging, create a safer environment)
2.1.4.  Difficulty in communications
2.1.5.  Smells
2.1.6.  Temperature

2.2.    Definition of Multisensory architecture

2.2.1.   Light
2.2.2.  Noise
2.2.3.  Smell
2.2.4.  Touch

3.      Research Methodology

Type of Research i.e. Books, Site Visits, Surveys
Proposed Start date:


ADHD for Dummies
Jun 2016
The Built Environment and Public Health
Jun 2016
Handbook of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
July 2016
Identifying, Assessing, and Treating ADHD at School
July 2016
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology Ninth Edition
Sept 2016


July 2016
July 2016

(Your Children and ADHD: Environmental Factors)
July 2016
(ADHD: Creating a Healthy School Environment)
July 2016

Site Visit

Kits4Kids@Kota Damansara
July 2016

Malaysia Psychology Centre @ Jalan Desa
July 2016

3.1.    Introduction
3.2.    Research Objective
3.3.    Data Collection
3.3.1.  Analyse & Observation in Existing Built Environment for ADHD centre in Malaysia
3.3.2.  Interview with Person In Charge
3.4.    Analysis Data
3.5.    Summary

4.      Case Study / Problem statement (Current issue of ADHD centre in Malaysia)

4.1.   Introduction
An interview will be carried out to understand current dilemma of ADHD centre in terms of facilities or learning environment. What kind of problem will parents meet while they finding a suitable environment for their ADHD kids and what should they put into considerate?
4.2.   Location of existing ADHD Centre in Malaysia
4.3.   Design of existing ADHD Centre in Malaysia

5.      Relationship of built environment and performance of ADHD kids;

5.1.   Performance
5.1.1.To study the performance of adhd kids in the current built environment
5.1.2.To evaluate or examine level of distraction
5.1.3.Interview or seek for evidences from psychologist

6.      Integrated ADHD centre
6.1.   Building program
6.1.1.Integrated class room design
6.1.2.Activities that can train ADHD kids to concentrate
6.1.3.Function room
6.1.4.Criteria building for ADHD (design strategies)

7.      Conclusion

Agreed by,

STUDENT NAME              :
SIGNATURE                     :

MODULE TUTOR                     :
SIGNATURE                            :                                  

A chart / checklist of regular school’s facilities compare w what kind of environment ADHD supposed to be in ?
To proof ADHD kids could perform better if study in an environment designated to cater their needs,
the current condition of ADHD kids’s learning environemt ni nmalaysia and constantly neglected & insufficient learning facilities for them

According to Sunder, the attention disorders may be (

> > > primary or secondary. Primary disorders of attention are
> > > caused by a direct disruption of the central cortical
> > > attentional mechanism. Secondary inattention represents
> > > a behavioral syndrome cause by conditions arising
> > > outside of the primary attentional network but with a
> > > very close relationship or overlap with this primary
> > > network, and may be intrinsic or environmental in origin.
> > > Sensory input, usually auditory or visual, is necessary
> > > to activate the attentional network in the parietal
> > > cortex. Deaf children are frequently overactive and
> > > inattentive. Lesser degrees of deficit on the input processing
> > > may cause similar attentional deficit.4
> > > The cortex must be adequately prepared for cognitive
> > > tasks. Both, understimulated and overstimulated states
> > > (drug effects, sedation, anxiety, delirium or psychosis) may
> > > induce attentional deficit. As the cortex has to be capable
> > > of performing the tasks demanded, the deficit observed in
> > > mental retardation, specific learning disabili ties, and autistic
> > > disorders predispose for an attentional deficit besides
> > > the specific cognitive process defects.
A mismatch of > > > educational envir&mental, expectation, and demand
> > > with the specific abilities of a particular child may be the
> > > source of attentional problems. Up to 30% of children
> > > referred because of attention deficit have been reported4
> > > to have language disorders with secondary inattention,
> > > which improve with appropriate educational placement __
> > > and language intervention.4

Abnormal psychology

(Sprague, Cohen, & Werry, 1974) about Ken’s behavior. The instrument verifi ed
the picture of hyperactive behavior that had already emerged (see Table 22.1 ).
The therapist arranged to spend a morning in Ken’s classroom. During
that time, Ken was out of his seat inappropriately six times. On one occasion,
he jumped up to look out the window when a noise, probably a car backfi ring,
was heard. He went to talk to other children three times. Ken got up twice and
just began walking quickly around the classroom. Even when he stayed seated,
he was often not working and instead was fi dgeting or bothering other children.
Any noise, even another child coughing or dropping a pencil, distracted him
from his work. When his teacher spoke to him, he did not seem to hear; it was
not until the teacher had begun yelling at him that he paid any attention.

pg 337

ADHD is the most commonly studied and diagnosed psychiatric disorder in children, affecting about 3 to 5 percent of children globally and diagnosed in about 2 to 16 percent of school aged children. It is a chronic disorder with 30 to 50 percent of those individuals diagnosed in childhood continuing to have symptoms into adulthood. Adolescents and adults with ADHD tend to develop coping mechanisms to compensate for some or all of their impairments

One of the evident symptom is easily distracted, by the learning environment?

Tasputra was the first place in Malaysia to install and actively use this Dutch-origin method of therapy. It is designed to stimulate the five senses - sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. It uses a unique combination of peaceful music, special lighting, gentle vibration, tactile sensation and aromatherapy in a safe, secure atmosphere. Each child has its own specially designed programme.

Individual Play Therapy
After the goals of parent management training had been met, Dr. Bell began
to meet individually with Tyler in play therapy. Play therapy is used with preschool
children because they often use symbolic play to manage their feelings
and practice new skills. Children that age have diffi culty verbalizing their feelings
directly. Initially, Tyler was aloof and angry when he entered the playroom
and resisted symbolic play. Dr. Bell said she understood how mad he must be
at her for helping his mom change the rules of their family. During the fi rst few

The best established type of treatment for ODD is parent management training.
There is substantial evidence that this treatment is very effective for reducing
children’s disruptive behaviors and improving family functioning (Farmer,
Compton, Burns, & Robertson, 2002).

pg 348,349 Opposition Defiant Disorder

Medication is not typically used for ODD unless it is comorbid with ADHD,
and then drugs for ADHD are often used. To control aggressive behavior, clinicians
sometimes use antidepressants or anticonvulsants that are typically used
to treat bipolar disorder (Althoff, Rettew, & Hudziak, 2003)

pg350 Opposition Defiant Disorder

1.       Should ADHD kids have an independent learning environment? Or can they cope/ thrive in mainstream learning environments?
2.      A restrictive environment or normal environment? Does it segregate them more distinctively from the society
3.      If segregated, how to develop their social and communication skills effectively?
4.      Dilemma of ADHD centre/ family (issue, problems facing)? Environment? facilities?
5.      What kind of problems will parents face in finding a suitable place for their ADHD kids?
6.      Special classroom seating arrangement ?

What’s the consideration you will thought about you’re looking for a school for your kid ?
in terms of environment or classroom ?

Significant evidence shows built environment help adhd kids in learniing